Welcome to the Madison Regents/Westside Lacrosse Club Homepage
A Co-Op between Madison West HS and Edgewood HS
Club President: Mr. Bill Sotis (bills@beaconathletics.com or sotisfam@sbcglobal.net)
Coaches: Pat Shea, Drew Paxton,
Club Manager: Tom Darcy (tdarcy@aol.com)
Treasurer: Gary Peterson (gary.peterson@cunamutual.com)
We're on Facebook at "Madison Regent Lacrosse"
This Site Last Updated: November 4, 2010
Westside Lacrosse Update
Dear Westside Lacrosse Club members,
We are going to have our next WSLC board meeting next Wednesday night, November 10, at 7:00 at the Laurel Tavern on Monroe Street. We invite all of you to join us for this meeting to learn about the league structure, to weigh in on a proposal for becoming a sanctioned Club sport within West and Edgewood, and to hear about the schedule of activities for the club this school year.
The meeting should last only one hour.
1. MALA meeting highlights - High School Conference Restructuring and its impact on Westside
2. Pre-Season and Season Schedule
3. WSLC Staff and coaches
4. Proposal to become a Club sport within West and Edgewood
5. Field and equipment needs
6. Finances
We hope to see you there.
Bill Sotis
Hope you all had a great summer and that the return to school has been seamless. Just wanted to let you all know that pre-season planning is underway for the 2011 Lacrosse season. Some important dates and information is provided below (dates are subject to change). I apologize if any of the emails are out-of-date....please let me know if you have a new address or no longer wish to receive notes from Westside Lacrosse. We'll also be posting this information on both the girls and boys Facebook pages. Below are segments for everyone, coaches and parents.
ALL: (1) Right now, we are looking at an informational meeting for both new and returning players at Edgewood High School on Dec 8 at 6:30PM. The meeting will last no more than 90 minutes (tops) and will focus on things like practice times, uniforms, medical and league-required documentation. A follow-up more formal sign-up night will be held on or about January 5 at West High School. This plan allows players two opportunities to begin the process of preparing for the season. Dates and times may change. (2) Conditioning practices will likely begin in early February; in the past we've had access to St. James' gym; if anyone has access or ideas about other facilities please let me know ASAP. (3) According to new league rules, actual lacrosse practices can't start until early March; we plan to use McGaw Field in Fitchburg as our field again this year; we also hope to have access to Gunflint Park (near Eagle School, also in Fitchburg) as an overflow field to be used as needed. Games begin on April 9; the schedule is still being worked and more information about league activities can be found at http://www.facebook.com/l/7c7733YRyxcJrhL-uW65ccdykPA;www.madlax.org.
COACHES: (1) The board has approved payment of USL certification costs so please keep those receipts! Please make every effort to get as much done in that regard before the season starts....certification training information is available at http://www.facebook.com/l/7c7733YRyxcJrhL-uW65ccdykPA;www.madlax.org and at http://www.facebook.com/l/7c7734wuxsvb2NwLzO-SEBXHfmQ;www.uslacrosse.org. (2) I think we're in a good place as far as "salaries" go; within the confines of our club's tax status I think we have a handle on how to best compensate you for your efforts.
PARENTS: (1) We need volunteers! I know some parents volunteered back at our last team dinner--please let us know if you are still interested. We especially need help in areas such as Team Coordinators (Youth, JV and V; essentially help coaches with whatever they may need); Timers; Assistant Treasurer; Water Jug Coordinator. (2) Our team has grown over the past few years and one area we could really use help with is sponsorship...if you or your firm is interested in helping out squad (which gets no financial support from either EHS or WHS...we are totally self-funded), please let us know soonest.
On the HORIZON: We're hoping to staff up a lacrosse camp at Edgewood High School this summer (probably mid June) to coincide with Edgewood sports camps....of course, we'll need players, coaches and parents to assist....I'll keep you all posted to the progress of this effort
League Realignment and other Notes from the MALA OCTOBER 2010 Meeting
Dear Westside Lacrosse Club Members,
I wanted to briefly report on the results of the MALA Board meeting this evening. After much discussion, some debate and a lot of good rationale thinking, the board unanimously approved the restructuring of the conference per the proposal in the link below. The board wanted to emphasize that the teams are free to schedule cross conference games (Red teams vs White teams) at any time during the season. The Board is going to look into financial assistance for teams traveling to Lacrosse to play games there to help defray the cost of travel this long distance. Please note that March 14 is the earliest date for an official organized practice and March 25 is the earliest date for an official game. This game date does not preclude teams from scheduling scrimmages with each other. Another point of interest is the play-off process. More information will be disseminated as the process becomes clearer, but it appears that the regionals and sectionals will set within geographic areas along with some sense of team ranking to ensure some of the best teams are represented at state.
There is also interest in having an end-of-year JV play-off tournament within the conference. Possibly running over 1 or 2 days. More details will come out in the MALA Board minutes.We are planning to have another WSLC board meeting of our own in early November. More details forthcoming; we hope we can get more of you to attend to share your ideas and talents for our growing club.
All the best,
Bill Sotis
WSLC President
-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Jackson <Notification@LeagueAthletics.com>
To: tdarcy@aol.com
Sent: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 12:48 pm
Subject: MALA Conference Restructuring Proposal
The scheduling committee has listened to the concerns over the proposed schedule and conference realignment and have revised the proposal to reflect those concerns accordingly. It is important to note that this conference realignment will be revisited after the conclusion of the 2011 season for the 2012 season. Please see document for more explanation of break down. Teams are also freely able to petition MALA for movement into the "Red" or "White" conference as they see fit at the conclusion of the 2011 season. The second point I would like to reiterate would be that every team (in either the Red or White conference) is freely able to schedule games between conferences. As in the past, MALA will schedule only the conference games, but this DOES NOT mean that you are unable to play teams from the white division if you are in the red division. I feel there was a miscommunication about this topic. &nbs p;(Example: Middleton can schedule Stoughton if its agreed upon by both coaches)
Infinity Lacrosse is proud to announce it will be running its fall league on Keva Sport Center’s brand new outdoor turf field! All games will be played on Sunday nights from 7:00-9:00 P.M. under the lights! Several coaches will be on hand to deliver the highest quality instruction to players. This is a great opportunity to play lacrosse at a state of the art facility with the states best coaches! When: Sunday nights, 7:00-9:00 P.M. from September 12-October 10!
Where: Keva Sports Center’s brand new outdoor turf field! Cost: $85/Player
Registration: Go to www.kevasports.com and click the member login or call Keva at 662-PLAY (7529) to register today!
Team Signups: If you get 10 or more players, register as a group and receive $10 off each players registration, and reserve the option to keep all your friends on the same team!* All players will receive Infinity Lacrosse Reversibles and lanyards.*Contact Infinity Lacrosse with group registration information to receive promo code for discounted price.
Infinity Lacrosse College Prep Training is Wisconsin’s premier lacrosse academy for players dedicated to taking their game to levels it has never seen! We will run you through college level practices, teach you high level offensive and defensive systems, and provide you with the kind of one on one instruction that is necessary to reach your maximum potential as a player. With over four coaches on hand, specializing at every position-attack, midfield, defense, and goalie-we guarantee you will not be the same player after Infinity Lacrosse College Prep Training! When: Every Sunday from September 5-October 24 from 4:00-7:00P.M. (8 Weeks!!) Where: Keva Sports Center’s brand new outdoor turf field!
Cost: $230 Registration: Go to www.kevasports.com and click the member login or call Keva at 662-PLAY (7529) to register today!All players will receive Infinity Lacrosse Shooter Shirts and lanyards, as well as be eligible for the College Prep Training Raffle, estimated at $250 worth of new gear!Questions? Feel free to contact Jaron Klopstein at 608-320-2033 or Jaron@InfinityLax.com!!
TRUE Lacrosse
The league will be used as a tryout for players who are interested in playing for our True Lacrosse Travel Teams.
We will be forming 5 Wisconsin Travel Teams:
Madison 7/8thMilwaukee 7/8thStatewide All-Star Freshman TeamStatewide U-17 (sophomore/junior)Statewide U-19 (senior)
To play for the best teams in the Midwest you will need to register for our fall leagues.
To register please visit our NEW WEBSITE at: http://www.truelacrosse.com/page/show/213482-fall-ball-wisconsin
Message from Club President Bill Sotis (August 11)
It is a pleasure to have joined the Westside Lacrosse Club as your new President. I am looking forward to meeting you all in the coming months as we prepare for the 2011 season. I Hope you are enjoying the few remaining weeks of summer vacation. Believe it or not, planning for 2011 has begun! Right now, the Westside Board is looking to have a few planning meetings to ensure we are as prepared as we can be for next spring.
We are currently working on scheduling a planning meeting for interested parents and board members in mid-October. We're hoping to have this meeting at West HS; date and time are TBD but we do plan to discuss (and garner input) on issues such as coaching and team coordinators, the Club budget - coaches' salaries, team fees, dues, fundraising/sponsorship opportunities playing fields, board positions, etc. This will be an important meeting and one we would really like parents to attend so we can ensure we get good input on these topics that will shape our season and the exciting future of the club.
There will be a formal registration/sign-up meeting in mid-January, perhaps at Edgewood, where we will look to get paperwork started for 2011, begin dues collection, get uniform orders started and other operational things like that.
We will continue our best efforts to keep the Westside lacrosse community aware of upcoming off-season lacrosse activities like fall ball opportunities, clinics, training and other opportunities as they become available.
Westside Lacrosse is in need of your help to fill key positions on our Westside board and on the teams. Specifically, we are looking for the following:
Board Secretary, Youth Team Head Coach, Youth Team assistant coaches,Team Coordinators (Team Parent) for 5/6, 7/8, JV and Varsity
If you are interested in serving on the Board and have tentatively volunteered and are ready to commit, please let us know. We are delighted that Gary Peterson and Tom Darcy have agreed to stay on the board as Team Treasurer and Director of Club Operations, respectively. This experience will help the club keep the momentum we have been building over the last few years.
//s// Bill Sotis
Club President
League Site www.madlax.org
Our Site: http://regents.pbworks.com/
Forms and dues paperwork can be obtained from Mr. Peterson (gary.peterson@cunamutual.com) 4406 Waite Lane, Madison, WI 53711
SUMMER CAMPS: True Lacrosse's All-Pro Overnight camp info is at: http://www.truelacrosse.com/camps/overnight-camps/all-pro-overnight-camp-wisconsin
League Forms: You can download copies of the Medical History, Conset to Treat and MALA Registration forms from the leagues web site www.madlax.org. Look on the left side of the jome page and select "Documents". Team Code of Conduct are on this site, search above under "conduct".
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